Do you have any questions about our products or processes? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
No. Chickens in Australia are not fed any growth promoting hormones. It has been illegal since 1967.
We take very seriously the health and welfare of our chickens through our growing programmes and make sure we meet the National regulations for human consumption and this is confirmed by regular testing of the meat for residues.
Across all our farms (both Farmers Choice and Free Range) we adhere to the requirements for the use of antibiotics under veterinary advice as set out in the RSPCA’s higher-welfare standards.
No, they are on the ground at all times on litter inside the shed. Our Free Range chickens can also access their grassed ranges.
Due to all Elgin Valley Free Range outdoor areas being fully fenced and netted, our chickens have maximum protection from predators and interaction with other bird species. Depending on the conditions, we are able to let our chickens onto the range from 17 days onwards as oppose to the industry standard of 21 days.
Elgin Valley Farms Free Range chicken sheds can open up to 70% of the side wall. This allows for better access to the outdoor area and coupled with the protective netting, this results in a high level of range usage by our Free Range chooks. Outdoor areas are covered with a variety of plants and shade areas. At night time or during weather extremes the birds are kept in the sheds for their comfort and warmth.
At Elgin Valley Farms our chickens have feed and water provided for them at all times inside the shed. Our Free Range chickens can also forage on their range, primarily grass and grass seeds.
To achieve RSPCA Approved certification, our farms undergo robust, regular assessments against more than 300 requirements in the Standard for Meat Chickens to ensure ongoing conformance. Our Free Range farms also meet additional outdoor requirements in the Standard.
RSPCA’s higher-welfare standards focus on improving welfare, ultimately leading to a better quality of life for the birds.
Our nutritionist and veterinarian ensure that Elgin Valley Farms chickens are provided a balanced diet comprising of quality cereal grains (such as wheat and sorghum) and protein meals, which are supplemented by vitamins, minerals, essential oils and organic acids to achieve optimum health and well being.
Elgin Valley Farms are located across South East Queensland. From the Sunshine Coast, the Scenic Rim and the beautiful Lockyer Valley.
Elgin Valley Free Range is proudly owned by local farmers who enjoy growing their birds to the higher-welfare standards sought by our customers.
Our farmers have always cared about quality – the great tenderness in Elgin Valley Farms’ chicken has been a hallmark of the product since the founding days back in the early 1970s. Tenderness comes down to a stress-free environment throughout the life of the chicken to then ensuring the best technology in processing, which now includes a dual chilling process utilising deep chilled water followed by high velocity air chill tunnels.
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